
We use information shared with us for the sole purpose of running and improving our services. This notice tells you what information we collect, steps we take to protect and secure it, how we use and share information, and finally, how you can contact us with question or concerns.

Automatic Data Collection

The following information will be automatically collected and saved, when a user accesses the web sites.

-Internet server domain and IP addresses passed through to get to the web sites
-Type of browser and OS
-Date of visit, etc

The information gathered and saved online will be used on statistical analyses for the purpose of improving the web sites to provide better services to users and to facilitate communication between users and the web sites, provided that such information may be submitted to the authorities under legal provisions.

When may we disclose your personal information?

Your contact information is also used to contact you when necessary. We may use your IP address to help protect our partners and us from fraud.

How do we use and disclose Personal Information?

We never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described in this Privacy Policy and without also providing you an opportunity to opt out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.